Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Super Troopers

I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I’m a senior, and I have yet to receive that dreaded slip of paper from the notorious squad of peace protectors; the College Place City Police. Sure, I’ve been pulled over a couple of times for creeping past a stop sign and the occasional jaywalking (yes, you can get pulled over while you’re walking), but somehow I’ve always managed to walk away unscathed. You’ll find it’s a longstanding tradition here at WWU to share your personal encounters involving the College Place cops with your friends. Just ask WWU alumnus Lance Davis or sophomore automotive technology major Kurt Lamberton and they’ll keep you entertained for a good half hour. So, what’s the best kind of cop story? It’s simple. The best stories are the ones involving an element of surprise.

Last Friday after vespers, the Bechtels were hosting their weekly smoothie night. Things were starting to get a little rowdy though as the party approached 45 guests. Now, we all know College Place likes its peace and quiet, so it wasn’t long before the fuzz came knocking at the Bechtels’ door. In front of the house, an officer stopped a bewildered Austin Nystrom, Spanish/theology major, from going back into the Bechtels’ home. Austin quickly explained he’d forgotten his Bible inside. No doubt skeptical to Austin’s excuse, and thinking they were just about to break up a royal flush of a kegger, the anxious officers entered the house. However to their dismay, not one drop of alcohol was found. Instead they were met with 45 WWU students getting ready to sing a rousing chorus of “King Jesus is All”. Sadly, the religious experience of Christian fellowship was disbanded, but the irony still lingers. I just can’t help imagine what was going through those three officers’ heads. “Those crazy Adventists…”

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