Wednesday, April 6, 2011


When Bill Lenz approached me about taking over for Brendan for the remaining eight issues of the Collegian, something like this went through my head:

Really, Brendan? Did you really have to print that inappropriate verbatim quote? I mean really. You embarrass me as a successor. Really. Because we all know that I never wrote anything that could have gotten me fired. I was an angel. I mean, really. Have some respect for our paper.”

In addition, I was less than enthused about pulling out the old cynicism. “Do you know how many enemies I made last year?” I asked Bill. “Yes, I do,” he replied with a snicker. “Lots!” And it’s true. I’m still blacklisted at the U-Shop, Campus Sound workers turn my monitors off and anyone who has ever played FarmVille or used Axe deodorant shoots me a dirty look when I pass by. I’ve been paying for that stuff all year. I’m sorry, alright?! Really, I am! Okay, I’m not really that sorry. But then it dawned on me. I’ve got a pretty big store of pent-up annoyance to get rid of. This could help.

Which brings me to a little something I like to call, “Really?!” with Alban Howe.

Really, Brendan? You changed your facebook status from “single” to “engaged,” just so you could get in on the Engaged Couple’s Seminar? Really? Just because it’s scheduled on the Abundant Life Weekend doesn’t mean you’re going to have one by going. I mean, really.

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